Was my younger brother's one year mark for being clean from drugs. Most of you might be wondering why I am writing about this, but I am very proud of my baby brother. I remember the day my mom called me to tell me that Dallas had a drug problem. I was taken by surprise. I had no idea he was into them.. or even how you did them for that matter. I will be the first to admit, I was judgemental of people who did drugs and always looked down upon people for it. I thought people who did drugs were bad people. This whole experience has changed my outlook on the topic. We got Dallas into an in-patient rehab down in Cottonwood. It was called The Ark. I would go up every Thursday for the family therapy session where all of the patients and their families learned about drugs and why people do them, what they do to your body, and how to help your loved ones to overcome using them. During the sessions they would have patients sit in the middle of the room with their family members, and tell them everything they wanted to ever say (while the rest of us sat and listened) I heard some of the craziest stories, but also met some really neat people. I have a whole new understanding for people with drug addictions, or any addiction for that matter. My brother has overcome so much in this past year, and I am so proud of him. He has grown up so much, and I can't believe how far he has come. My brother is one of my best friends, and I love him to death. Dal, I love you and I'm so proud of you buddy for staying stong and facing your addiction!
That is seriously SO awesome!!
Tell Dal congrats! It's a hard battle, that he will face the rest of his life, but he can do it. I love reading your blog!
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