Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sneak Peek!

Meet Deegan! Isn't he just the cutest little guy?? He was born 5 weeks early, and is just under 6 pounds! He was the smallest baby I have ever seen in person! Congrats again Brooke and Eric! You guys will make the best parents!

Deegan 252sev

Deegan 245lux

Deegan 235lux

Deegan 238lux

Deegan 132lux

Deegan 198lux

Deegan 188lux

Deegan 230lux

Deegan 212bw

Deegan 172bw

Deegan 059bw

Deegan 061bw

Deegan 076bw

Deegan 079bw

Deegan 267lux

Deegan 303sev

Deegan 241pp

Deegan 250ant

Deegan 226bw

Deegan 050lux

Deegan 045lux

Deegan 096lux

Deegan 025lux

Deegan 098lux

Deegan 009lux


Brooke said...

I am in love!!! You did such a great job! I cannot get over it!

Mike and Katie said...

whitney those pictures are awesome...i wish i lived closer to you so you could take pictures of our kids when we have some

Rachael said...

Whit! Good job!

Camilla said...

The one on the 'sled' is so awesome. Nice job!

nickandmindi said...

Whit those are so cute!! You do such a good job!

Camille said...

oh my goodness Whit those are so beautiful! You are so talented!